Pigs # 16 - New Pigs Nearly Here!
This weekend I arranged with James at Morris Free Range Meats & Horticulture in Coedypaen to have 2 more weaners (Welsh Pigs this time) in the next couple of weeks. Exciting! As we're getting them at a much more sensible age (about 10 weeks instead of 16 & 20 weeks last time) they are obviously going to be much smaller, and James had advised me to go around the boundary of their enclosure again with this in mind to make sure it's secure for 'little pigs'.
An extra 'little pig' strand above the bottom! |
The fence posts in the photo above are Yew - homemade and hopefully indestructible! Hope to be reporting on their good condition in 20 years!
Back fence - scene of the last escape! |
The house is cleaned, the fence is in good condition, just need to mend the leak in their water trough now before we're ready for our new arrivals. Really excited!
An interesting and natural environment! |
Our plan for these 2 pigs is to try to sell them as 1/4 or 1/2 pigs - check out our
SPECIAL OFFERS for full details - if you are in Usk or the surrounding area it would be brilliant to supply you with some wonderful free range pork! We'll keep the pigs until they are around 30 weeks old, so they should be ready late January or early February - can't wait!
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